Aarshaveda Wellness - Ayurveda Medicine Online Store for all health Issues

“ We cannot change the world we live in and take it back to earlier, less stressful times, when peace was the rule and not the exception. Since this is reality, it is clearly time to adopt a lifestyle which permits us to survive and find Health and Peace. This lifestyle is the Ayurveda Way of Life “
Aarshaveda is a compound word consisting of two words Aarsha and Veda. ‘Aarsha’ means originating from ancient India or that originated from the ancient Sages of India. ’Veda’ means knowledge or science. Hence Aarshaveda means the knowledge that originated from the ancient rishis and sages of India.
The quest to maintain health and to overcome disease was the prime concern of human being from time immemorial. History says that the sages used to gather on the foothills of Himalayas to discuss and debate on various aspects of life including health and wellbeing. The Rishis are seers and they are the ones who know answers for all the requirement of spiritual, mental and physical needs of human beings. The remedies from their priceless wisdom evolved as oral traditional knowledge passed down from generation to generation through the lineage of teacher and student - (Guru- Sishya Parmpara).
Over centuries this wisdom from the Sages and Rishis passed down through the ‘Guru-Sishya Parmpara’ and was gradually documented to become the Vedas and the medical wisdom was mainly captured in Atharva veda. Ayurveda originated from the medical wisdom of Atharva veda and Ayurveda is considered as Upaveda (means applied knowledge) of Atharva veda.
Lord Dhanwantri - 14th Century
This bronze image of Dhanwantri, from the 14th century Vijayanagara era, is crafted using the Lost Wax technique also called Cire-Perdue. Dhanvantri is said to have emerged from the ocean while it was being churned by the Devas and Asuras as mentioned in the Bhagvatha Purana.
“ We cannot change the world we live in and take it back to earlier, less stressful times, when peace was the rule and not the exception. Since this is reality, it is clearly time to adopt a lifestyle which permits us to survive and find Health and Peace. This lifestyle is the Ayurveda Way of Life “
Ayurveda above all is the Science of Harmony a balance of mind-body and spirit. Simply put Ayurveda believes that if the mind-body and spirit is off-balance, disease creeps in. Achieving balance is therefore the ultimate goal of Ayurvedic healing.